Mary Lou Newmark’s script for “Street Angel Diaries” is a collage of first hand accounts by homeless people, poetry, conversation and observations. Please refer to the Bios section of this site for a list of the contributors. The following are excerpts from the text.
These are the free, the forgotten,
the runaways and the throwaways,
the poor, the veterans, the hobopoets,
the disabled, the disturbed,
the survivors, the sages
These are the urban nomads that wander
the electric landscape
living moment to moment to moment
These are the street angels



On July 1, 1996 I was dropped off on the corners of Saint Paul and Ontario streets.  I was 37 years old andhomeless.




There’s more to homeless people than being homeless.



Paradox:  to embrace Chaos is not to slide toward entropy but to emerge into an energy like stars, a pattern of instantaneous grace




I see no one and no one sees me.



Where do you live?  But I mean, where do you LIVE?

I couldn’t help but think that if more homeless people disguised themselves as adventurers, artists, writers, while living a simple life they would not be subject to harassment.


© 2005-2006 Mary Lou Newmark