From Philip Brandes, Los Angeles Times:

Newmark’s heartfelt central message frames the homeless as flesh and blood manifestations of a broken society, and an uncomfortable mirror that reminds us “we are a lot closer to falling apart than we are willing to admit.”  Beyond stating these themes in one actor’s direct address to the audience, their most powerful expression comes not from any text, but through Newmark’s haunting score.  Prowling an elevated walkway spanning the front and sides of the Boston Court Main Stage, Newmark strokes modernist musical sketches on her neon-lit electric violin – picture Laurie Anderson on a good hair day, but aiming more at emotions than intellect.

From Les Spindle, Backstage West: 

Inspired by accounts from homeless citizens, Newmark performs her sweet and melancholy violin compositions, integrating them with textual passages, John Pennington’s vibrant choreography, marvelous projected images, (Robert M. Fisher and Gary F. Clark) and recorded music to create a lovely poetic tapestry.  Eloquent design elements – Dan Weingarten’s austere urban landscape and lighting, Sherry Linnell’s costumes, Ellen Juhlin’s sound – enhance the evocative milieu.  Director Darin Anthony and an inspired nine-member ensemble illuminate Newmark’s themes with grace and insight.  …The performance is driven by a cumulatively powerful amalgam of sights and sounds – repetition of phrases and words, rhythmic movements in response to the music, tidbits of wisdom gleaned from this unconventional way of living.  …Ultimately this heartbreaking look at a disgraceful failure of mankind’s humanitarian responsibilities is leavened by depictions of playfulness, camaraderie, and determination, as the characters find beacons of hope and dignity amid the degradation.


From Candyce Columbus, Pasadena Independent:

“Street Angel Diaries” is a magnificent fusion of sight and sound, combining facts about homelessness in Los Angeles, true stories of the homeless past and present, exploring the many meanings of what it means to be without a home and pointing out how close we all may be to that state.  The holiday season provides many opportunities for theatrical outings, but few so poignant and powerful as “Street Angel Diaries.”  …Newmark has created an experience not to be missed.